Have you ever woken up one morning and felt that the world has moved on to a Digital Abyss while you were sleeping?
A couple of years ago, while I was living and working in India, social networking sites like Facebook or Orkut or MySpace were heard of and it was kind of "cool" to be registered on it . Fast forward to 2008, I live and study now in London, and it seems that the popularity of social networking sites has gained so much momentum that it has become a basic necessity of life, not just in India but almost everywhere else in the world where Internet has managed to spread its wings. Just the way we have our morning cup of tea or coffee, facebooking or twittering has become a daily routine too. I certainly can't do without it. How else do you sit in your bed room and connect with the rest of the world and sometimes pry on what's happening in other people's lives , mostly your friends. How else can you learn so much about other people's experiences , views , happenings etc etc and you feel like you know the entire world and still have a hunger to know more. Digital form of communication is taking over , at least that's what it seems like.
A couple of years ago, while I was living and working in India, social networking sites like Facebook or Orkut or MySpace were heard of and it was kind of "cool" to be registered on it . Fast forward to 2008, I live and study now in London, and it seems that the popularity of social networking sites has gained so much momentum that it has become a basic necessity of life, not just in India but almost everywhere else in the world where Internet has managed to spread its wings. Just the way we have our morning cup of tea or coffee, facebooking or twittering has become a daily routine too. I certainly can't do without it. How else do you sit in your bed room and connect with the rest of the world and sometimes pry on what's happening in other people's lives , mostly your friends. How else can you learn so much about other people's experiences , views , happenings etc etc and you feel like you know the entire world and still have a hunger to know more. Digital form of communication is taking over , at least that's what it seems like.
I am a Digital virgin in many ways. I have never ever blogged before , only very recently opened an account on Twitter , still trying to discover so called wonders of this microblogging site. And very soon I will be on Linked in. So here I am , trying to catch up and learn everything about this digital revolution , from blogosphere to twittering to media releases and so on. But Why ? The simple answer would be that in PR , profession where I want to make a mark of my own , you need to have a strong grasp of online media. Not only because I want to have a successful career in PR but the way industry is headed it certainly seems like that it would be beneficial in the long run . So it came as no surprise to me that I decided to write my first ever Blog on "Impact of New media on PR" . Hopefully , the more I read and research about it and express my thoughts through this medium , the more I will gain out of it !
Watch this space .
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